Our story


The most modern, up-to-date, flexible and forward-thinking commission platform anywhere.


Welcome to PILLARS, the most modern, up-to-date, flexible and forward-thinking commission platform anywhere. PILLARS is the culmination of 30+ years of experience supporting companies that pay salespersons commissions based on their activities and performance, from the most complex calculations to a straight pass-through of commission information.

Collectively, the PILLARS team has supported over 300 companies ranging in size from start-up to over $1BB in annual revenue throughout the globe.

Most forward-thinking commission platform
30+ years of industry experience
Supported over 300 companies
Two young women working on a shared laptop

Why We're Different

The most recent version of PILLARS amalgamates the finest features from previous iterations while adopting a forward-looking stance towards 2024's demands, ensuring readiness for both the present and the evolving future.

Adapted to accommodate shifting business needs, coding languages, and industry-specific requirements, PILLARS stands as the premier commission software.

We offer user-friendly, pre-configured templates for commission plans, along with the flexibility to tailor custom plans to suit the unique needs of each company.

Modern up-to-date architecture
Instant real-time calculations
Comprehensive time-travel auditing

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